Friday 19 March 2010

How to Get Pregnant - Factors in Healthy Sperm

If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, by now you realize that it takes both of you to be in optimal position, in order for it to work. The fertility of the male partner focuses primarily on two things, sperm quality and quantity. This can be affected by a wide variety of things, not all of which are under your control.

However, there are three basics to healthy sperm that don't vary. They are the three characteristics that your sperm needs to exemplify in order for you to have the best chance of conceiving a baby. If you are on the low end of the scale in all three, then you will struggle to create one naturally.

Factor in healthy sperm #1 -- Quantity. In order for the male to be fertile, he needs to have 20 million sperm per milliter of semen. This is probably hard for you to measure on your own. Of the several million sperm that get ejaculated into the woman, as few as 200 actually reach the egg, and only one needs penetrate it to fertilize it. As you can see, this is a terrible ratio. If you are only producing 10 or 15 million sperm per milliter, you are greatly reducing your chances of one finding its way inside the egg.

Factor in healthy sperm #2 -- Quality. Not surprisingly, it's not enough to just have a lot of sperm in your semen. The shape and structure of the sperm itself are also important factors. You are fertile if more than a third of your sperm is of a normal shape, called morphology. A normal looking sperm has an oval head, and a long tail that it uses to propel itself forward. Sperm that have oversided, tapered, or crooked heads tend to struggle finding their way to the goal. Likewise, sperm with double tails, or curled or otherwise bent ones, are unlikely to make it all the way in.

Factor in healthy sperm #3 -- Motion. To reach the egg, your sperm need to be good "swimmers." Riding the force of the ejaculation will only take them so far in, and not far enough to actually reach the egg. Sperm need to move on their own, wriggling and swimming the last few inches to reach the end. Fast and free movement is an important aspect of healthy sperm. At least half of your sperm need to be good swimmers, in order to truly be fertile.

As you can see, having a lot of healthy sperm is vital to your efforts to make a baby. With such a low ratio of sperm to success, the more you have, the higher quality they are, and the better motility they have, the better off you will be.

Figuring out how to get pregnant is different for everyone, and every couple has a different challenge. However, there are things that you can do that will greatly help their chances. If this sounds like you, you should continue on to the next page, and read the success stories of dozens of couples who have succeeded. Keep Reading

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